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Energy assistance payment for households in the Drechtsteden region 2022

Since April 2022, the inhabitants of the Drechtsteden region can apply for a one-off energy assistance payment. You can apply for this up to and including 31 December 2022.

For whom?

The one-off energy assistance payment is paid to inhabitants of the Drechtsteden region whose income is less than 130% of the legal minimum subsistence level (Wettelijk sociaal minimum, WSM). Do you want to know what the legal minimum subsistence level is? Check our website. The energy assistance payment is not paid to businesses.

Energy assistance payment for households in the Drechtsteden region 2022

What is the energy assistance payment?

Energy prices are rising. In 2022, the national government has therefore decided to pay households with an income equal to or just above the legal minimum subsistence level compensation to help them pay their energy bills. The national government calls this energy assistance payment “energietoeslag”. Sociale Dienst Drechtsteden is responsible for this scheme in the Drechtsteden region (Alblasserdam, Dordrecht, Hardinxveld-Giessendam, Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht, Papendrecht, Sliedrecht and Zwijndrecht).

Who will receive the energy assistance payment in 2022?

The energy assistance payment is paid to inhabitants of the Drechtsteden region whose income is less than 130% of the legal minimum subsistence level (Wettelijk sociaal minimum, WSM). The energy assistance payment is not paid to businesses.

When is my income less than 120% of the legal minimum subsistence level?

Civil status

maximum monthly income, excluding holiday allowance

maximum monthly income, including holiday allowance

You are single, between the age of 21 and retirement age €1,363.05   €1,434.79
You are a single parent, between the age of 21 and retirement age€1,363.05€1,434.79
You are married or cohabiting, between the age of 21 and retirement age€1,947.21€2,049.70
You are single and retired€1,516.96€1,596.80
You are married or cohabiting and retired€2,060.21€2,168.64

Important: The amounts on this page are net amounts and are valid from 1 January 2023.

When is my income less than 130% of the legal minimum subsistence level?

Civil status

maximum monthly income, excluding holiday allowance

maximum monthly income, including holiday allowance

You are single, between the age of 21 and retirement age€1,476.64€1,554.36
You are a single parent, between the age of 21 and retirement age€1,476.64€1,554.36
You are married or cohabiting, between the age of 21 and retirement age€2,109.48€2,220.50
You are single and retired€1,643.38€1,729.87
You are married or cohabiting and retired€2,231.89€2,349.36

Important: The amounts on this page are net amounts and are valid from to 1 January 2023.

How much is the energy assistance payment?

The energy assistance payment is determined based on your income. If your income is up to 120% of the legal minimum subsistence level, the energy assistance payment is €1300. If your income is between 120% and 130% of the legal minimum subsistence level, the one-off energy assistance payment is €600. Besides this one-off energy assistance payment, this group will receive an additional energy assistance payment of €300 or €500. The amount varies, depending on the municipality where you live.

Increase of the energy assistance payment for inhabitants with an income between 120% and 130% of the legal minimum subsistence level

The decision was made to increase the amount of €600 that is/will be paid to all inhabitants with an income between 120% and 130% of the legal minimum subsistence level (WSM). The amount varies, depending on the municipality where you live. This amount will be paid to you automatically on 5 December 2022. It will be paid in one go to those inhabitants who submit their first application after 5 December 2022 and who are entitled to the one-off energy-assistance payment of €600.

How much is the one-off energy assistance payment that will be paid to inhabitants with an income between 120% and 130% of the legal minimum subsistence level in each municipality?

Alblasserdam€300,- (so €900,- in total)
Dordrecht€300,- (so €900,- in total)
Hardinxveld-Giessendam€300,- (so €900,- in total)
Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht€300,- (so €900.- in total)
Papendrecht€500,- (so €1.1.00,- in total)
Sliedrecht €300,- (so €900,- in total)
Zwijndrecht €500,- (so €1.100,- in total)

Why do the municipalities apply different amounts?

Every municipality is free to determine the amount of the additional energy assistance payment. 

Do I have to submit an application for the increased energy assistance payment?

No, you don’t. All inhabitants of the Drechtsteden who are entitled to the one-off energy assistance payment will be automatically paid the increase of the one-off energy assistance payment. They will be informed of this in writing.

Is this a gift?

Yes, it is a gift. This means you don’t have to pay it back.

I receive AOW (basic state pension). Will I receive the one-off energy assistance payment?

Yes, you will. If your income is lower than 130% of the legal minimum subsistence level, you will receive the one-off energy assistance payment. If you receive an AIO supplement on 1 April 2022 along with your basic state pension (AOW), you will automatically receive the energy assistance payment. You do not need to submit an application.  

Which documents do I have to add to my application?

If you do not receive welfare benefit, you must provide (copies of) the following:

1. Copy of the ID of the applicant and partner, if applicable.

2. Copy of your bank card (to verify your bank account number).

3. Specification of your most recent income (payslip or other) of the applicant and partner, if applicable.

What does ‘official’ benefit mean?

An official benefit is an automatic payment. A large number of inhabitants of the Drechtsteden region have automatically received this energy assistance payment.

I am entitled to welfare benefit from 5 April 2022. Do I receive the energy assistance payment automatically (official benefit)?

No. The reference date for the automatic (official) payment of the energy assistance payment is 1 April 2022. If you are entitled to welfare benefit after this date, you must submit a digital/paper application.

I receive AOW, WAJONG, ANW or a benefit from the UWV

If you receive AOW, WAJONG, ANW or a benefit from the UWV, you do not need to provide proof of income.

I am on welfare and have received a gift to pay for my high energy bills. Will my welfare payments be reduced as a result?

If you have received a gift from an official charity or Sociale Dienst Drechtsteden, your benefit will not be reduced. If you have received a gift from someone, you must notify Sociale Dienst Drechtsteden that you received this gift. Contact Sociale Dienst Drechtsteden in case of doubt.

Is alimony/child maintenance considered income when applying for the energy assistance payment?

Yes, alimony/child maintenance is considered income. The following are considered income:

• Income from or relating to labour (wages, benefits).

• AOW (basic state pension).

• Pension built up through the employer and benefits from an annuity product. The applicant may deduct € 21.50 (for singles) or €43.00 (for households) per month in 2022.

• Income from a personal budget (PGB) insofar as this is used to pay for the care provided by the applicant himself.

• Income from (sub)letting or landlordship.

• Alimony and/or child maintenance.

• Periodic donations, unless exempt.

• Income from capital, such as interest or dividend.

• Benefit for surviving relatives under the General Surviving Relatives Act  (Anw).

• Tide-over allowance under the General Pensions Act for political office holders (Appa).

• Study grant (WSF).

I am a zzp’er/self-employed. Will I receive the one-off energy assistance payment?

Yes, you will. You may apply for the one-off energy assistance payment if your income is lower than 130% of the legal minimum subsistence level. If you receive benefit under the Bbz 2004 on 1 April 2022, you will automatically receive the one-off energy assistance payment. Check the information under point 7 ‘What does ‘official’ benefit mean?'

How does applying for the energy assistance payment work in combination with a means test, annual figures, etcetera?

  1. For self-employed entrepreneurs who receive a living allowance under the Bbz 2004, the definitive (annual) income can only be determined after the financial year has ended. It is therefore only possible to determine whether the entrepreneur has an income below the income limit that is applied for the energy assistance payment after the end of the year.
  2. Entrepreneurs who receive a living allowance under the Bbz 2004 can receive the energy assistance payment as an official benefit. Social services assesses after the end of the financial year whether they were actually entitled to receive it.

I struggle to pay my bills because of the rising energy prices. What else can I do?

Check and/or contact Sociale Dienst Drechtsteden. The website of the Regional Energy Desk lists several general energy-saving tips. You can also find an e-book with 50 energy-saving tips on this website. A separate webpage has been set up for inhabitants of the Drechtsteden region who live in rented housing with information about energy-efficient rentals.

Do you have any other questions?

Do you have other questions about the energy assistance payment? Contact our customer service.


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